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Against the Odds magazine investigates military history from a broad perspective. The economic, political, religious and social aspects of warfare are examined in concert with events on the battlefield.

Each issue of ATO features:

Informative and insightful articles showcasing the history behind events, plus regular columns by noted game designers providing insight on the latest trends and events.

A challenging, fun wargame that drops the players into truly desperate situations but gives them multiple options to alter history.

Professionally printed graphics, complete with large playing map and 200 to 360 die cut playing pieces.

And much more! Look for Against the Odds to cover simulation design issues, order of battle research, rule writing, play testing and graphic techniques as it evolves. Get yourself truly "connected" with games and gaming by reading Against the Odds!

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2009 Annual - Verdun: A Generation Lost

2009 Annual - Verdun: A Generation Lost

“They shall not pass!” -- Marshal Petain

Hoping to bring a decisive conclusion along the Western Front in 1916 despite the mud-and misery-filled trench deadlock, German General von Falkenhayn launched an attack from which the French could not retreat, and would prove costly for them to defend. The goal of the German offensive was the historic and symbolic city of Verdun.

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2008 Annual - Operation Cartwheel

2008 Annual - Operation Cartwheel

“You are remembered for the rules you break.”

-- Douglas MacArthur

Deciding which battle in the Pacific War is the bloodiest all depends on what numbers are being counted. Convincing arguments can be made for Tarawa, Iwo, Okinawa, and Peleliu, and possibly others. One island’s name is not on the list. But it could have been...

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2007 Annual - Look Away! The Fall of Atlanta

2007 Annual - Look Away! The Fall of Atlanta

"We will remove and destroy every obstacle - if need be, take every life, every acre of land, every particle of property, everything that to us seems proper."

-- William T. Sherman

At the climax of the American Civil War the armies of the Confederacy were pressed back into their heartland as the rebellion tried desperately to sustain itself against Union forces. One of the most important campaigns occurred in southeastern Tennessee and Georgia, as Federal armies pressed toward the Confederacy's vital city of Atlanta...

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2006 Annual - Toppling the Reich

2006 Annual - Toppling the Reich

"The enemy has committed a major blunder by continuing to fight west of the Rhine."

-- General Montgomery, January 21, 1945.

Toppling the Reich is an operational level simulation of the fighting for the Rhine River and Westwall that occurred in 1944 and 1945. Designer John Prados transports his Panzerkrieg game system to the Western Front to examine the major episodes of this clash.

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Campaign Study #1 - Wintergewitter

Campaign Study #1 - Wintergewitter

“This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.”

-- T. S. Elliot

Wintergewitter, operation "Winter Storm," began as the final outside effort to relieve surrounded Stalingrad, with a scratch Panzer Korps made up of units from all over the theater (and the strongest, 6th Panzer Division, coming back from refit in France!). Supported by already shaken Rumanian units, the force had 110 kilometers, two rivers, and two Soviet armies to cross...

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Campaign Study #3 - Bradley's D-Day

Campaign Study #3 - Bradley's D-Day

“The second best decision, in time, is infinitely better than the perfect decision too late...”

-- Omar Bradley

Campaign Study #3, with Bradley’s D-Day inside, looks at the American efforts all along the right flank of the Normandy landings. While Utah Beach seemed relatively easy, it was at Omaha Beach where the Germans came closest to derailing the greatest sea-borne invasion of all time...

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(NEW) The ACW Way of War

Three ziplock ATO back issues for a great price!

If all the campaigns and environments of American Civil War could be described in one word, that word would be "diverse". Through thick forests to the seacoasts, and along the iron rails that carried men into battle, and the supplies that fed the armies, Civil War armies proved willing to fight in any place and at any time.

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(NEW) The Way of War in '45 Pack

Three ziplock ATO back issues for a great price!

If World War II could be described like the movements of a symphony, surely the year 1944 represents the last grand crescendo... the enormous battles with massive results.

Here is your chance to either end this war against Facism early with a shattering blow, or stubbornly resist defeat and buy time until the Fatherland can bring its rumored "wonder weapons" to bear.

Welcome to the Way of War in '45, with three totally different city-fights across the last 6 months of the war, all ending in 1945.

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